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Showing posts with the label Black girl at centre of Irish gymnastics race row ‘badly let down’

Black girl at centre of Irish gymnastics race row ‘badly let down’, says ministry

  Statement comes as it emerges that head of Ireland’s sporting authority told family girl’s treatment was not racist Ireland’s sports ministry has said that a young gymnast at the centre of a racism row was “badly let down”, as it emerged that the head of the country’s sporting authority told the family last year that the girl’s treatment wasn’t racist. Una May, the CEO of Sports Ireland, said the judge who ignored the only black gymnast in the competition lineup had got the medals “tangled up”, in comments witnessed by at least two people outside the family. Video of the event in March 2022 shows a judge handing out medals for participation to a line of young gymnasts, but ignoring the only black girl. A photographer, coach and other officials fail to intervene. A mediation settlement reached with the family involved the judge taking anti-racism training May’s remarks are likely to deepen concerns about systemic racism in Irish sport. By the time she met the family, at the SportsFest